Steel Member Style

Overview of Functions

[Shortcut command: SST]

It is the function to set the expression style of Steel Member. With this setting, you can show or hide the steel members in the visible range or apply a pattern to the cross-section.

Generate Drawing > Style > Steel Member Style

General Tap

  • Turn On/Off Visible Range : Show or hide the shape of the steel member in the visible range area.

  • Fill Section : Pattern is applied to the cross-section of the steel member that intersects the cutting surface of the cutting box.

Line Style Tap

  • Cutting Plane Line : Sets the line color, line type, and layer of the section cut by the CIM's Cutting View Box.

  • Visible Range Continuous Line : Sets the color, line type, and layer of the continuous line that connects the cut section in the visible range and the cut range in the visible range.

  • Visible Range Hide Line : Sets the line color, line type, and layer of the section cut by the visible range.

Pattern Tap

  • Cutting Plane : Sets Pattern and Layer to fill the section cut by Cutting View Box of CIM.

  • Visible Range Plane : Sets the Pattern and Layer to fill the section cut by the visible range.