Drafter Tree composition


Drafter's tree is composed of four elements: CIM View, Window, Properties, and Group Members. In CAD mode, an additional Entities Tree can becreated.

Each tree is divided into Taps and can be separated by dragging Taps.

CIM View Tree

Tree configuration

Tree Filter

You can use the Tree Filter to display only the collection of views you need.

  • All : Displays the list of views in all the CIM's BASE Mode and Library Mode.

  • Base Mode Only : Displays the list of views existing in the base mode of the CIM.

  • Point Library Mode Only : Displays the list of views existing in the Point Library Mode of the CIM.

  • Curve Library Mode Only : Displays the list of views existing in the CIM's Curve Library Mode.

  • Assembly Unit Library Mode Only : Displays the list of views that exist in Assembly Unit Library Mode of CIM.

  • Library All : Displays a list of all library views regardless of library type.

  • BASE : 'View group name' : Displays the list of views belonging to View Group in BASE mode.

View List Conventions

List the view of the CIM Base Mode at the top of the DrIM's CIM View Tree, and the view of the Library mode below it.

View of CIM Base Mode is divided into View name created directly in Base under Section Group and View name automatically created in Base mode from Library.

The View of Library Mode is listed under View name under the corresponding Library Mode name.

Window Tree

Tree configuration

Tree details

Window Tree is a tree that represents a list of DWG units in CAD mode. Drafter's CAD mode allows you to open multiple DWGs at once and manage them in groups. You can also save these DWG combinations as a bundle. (mdwg file format)

  • CAD Drawings :

    Click the Sort by Sheet icon to sort the tree by sheets.

    Click the Sort by View icon to sort the trees by View (DWG) units.

  • cDrawing1 : Displayed with the name of the view (DWG). Double-clicking moves to the view (DWG).

Properties Tree

Tree configuration

Tree details

The Properties Tree displays property information for all objects in Information Mode and CAD Mode.

*For detailed tree menu, see midas iCAD function manual.

Group Member Tree

Tree configuration

Tree details

Group Member Tree is a function that displays a list of objects in Information Mode.

  • Selecting a View Box in Information Mode displays a list of objects in that View Box.

  • When you turn a check box on or off, the object is shown or hidden.

  • If you turn the Check Box on or off, the Check Box object will show or hide.

  • The Show / Hide setting can also be set with the [HIDEDRAWINGOBJECT] and [UNHIDEDRAWINGOBJECT] functions.