Cutting View Setting

Overview of Functions

[Shortcut command: CVS]

Set Section Mark and Scale to be used for Cutting View.

Details of Functions

Generate Drawing > View > Cutting View Setting

This can be done through the CUTTINGVIEWSETTING (CVS) command or through the Cutting View Setting in the View option in the Generate Drawing menu.

Section Mark Setting

  • Show Section Mark : Select whether to display the Section Mark when creating the Cutting View. Turning this setting off will also turn off the existing Section Mark.

  • Show only Start Mark : Show only Start Section Mark.

  • Use Different Start/End : Apply different Section Mark Block to Start and End, respectively. Turning this setting off will disable the End Section Mark selection window. Also, Section Mark of Start is mirrored to the End.

  • Section Mark Block(Start) : Select Start Section Mark Block.

  • Section Mark Block(End) : Select End Section Mark Block.

For user definition of Section Mark Block, see ‘Creating Section Mark Block'.

  • Cutting Line Type : Select the type of Cutting Line between Section Mark Block and Block.

  • Section Mark Text Size : Set the text size of the Section Mark.

  • Section Mark Scale : Set the default Scale for Section Mark.

  • Cutting Line Scale : Set the Scale for Cutting Line.

  • Section Mark Layer : Set the Layer of the Section Mark.