Plate Line

Overview of Functions

Define a plate line for creating 2D mesh of general member or steel design group information.

If you use a User Section that defines a Plate Line, you can create a 2D mesh.

Details of Functions

Create Tab


Construct the Plate Line.

Draw yourself using the Draw Tool.

Property Tab


Enter the thickness of the section line directly.

Cardinal point

Sets the local position of the local axis (the position of the horizontal member centerline) in the thickness width.

  • Top : Specifies the origin of the local axis at the top of the thickness.

  • Center : Specifies the origin of the local axis as the center of the thickness.

  • Bottom : Specify the origin of the local axis as the bottom of the thickness.

Additional offset

Adjust the position of Cardinal point by entering additional distance in Local z direction based on the position set in cardinal point.