Named View

Overview of Functions

It is a function to save and utilize View of desired state.

Details of Functions

Create&Animate Tab

View group

Set the group where the named view will be saved.

Once you create a group, it appears in the list and can be selected.


This is the setup and save function for Named View.

  • Name : Set the name of Named View.

  • Duration : Sets the duration for Animation Play of each named view.

  • Show/Hide : Setting to save the show / hide status of the screen.

  • Add / Modify / Delete : Add / modify / remove the selected Named View.

  • ↑ / ↓ : Change the order of the created named views.

View list

Named Views created by View Group appear.

  • Play / Stop : Animation is played / stopped in the order of named view.

  • Repeat animation : Repeat the animation.

  • Animate entire group : Run Animation for the entire group.